Columbia River Cruise 2.0
October 2: Multnomah (NOPE) Falls
So, you have to be wondering WHY would he label this afternoon's excursion as the "NOPE" excursion? Let's back up to the 2017 Columbia River Cruise for just a tad of background. On that adventure, on the day we were slated to see Mount Saint Helens we drove 90 minutes up through winding, fog-covered, mountainous terrain (and the bus broke down), only to find that the fog was SO thick we couldn't see anything beyond the rail - literally, just a blanket of fog. And so we had to drive the same 90 minutes back (through fog, on winding mountainous roads) to the ship. And tomorrow is the day we return to Mount Saint Helens. We've been hoping we would not get a repeat of such weather and that we'd actually SEE the mountain top. Why go into this now as background - hold your horses pardner....because TODAY we were driving to see Multnomah Falls. And if you've been there before you know that it's spectacular. You stand at the base of the falls in front of the "splash pool" and you see the double-drop of the waterfall that is so far up you just cannot believe it; then you climb the path to the bridge that crosses the falls above the base of the first drop. And if you are so inclined you can hike to the very top of the falls. Last year upon visiting here Kim was VERY unhappy that we were only given an hour and told expressly that you wouldn't have time to climb all the way to the top. Why not have two excursion busses for those that wanted to stay longer? So we were unhappy that we didn't have MORE time here - that's key to the story, we wanted MORE time last year. As a footnote, for those of you who know my wife.....yes, she hiked to the top anyway! That's my Kim :) Fast forward to today.....Kim wanted to do the hike again, but prior to our leaving for this trip from Fort Lauderdale she'd done research and due to the awful fires they had a year ago the upper trail was closed. So even if she had time and wanted to climb to the top, she wasn't going to be able to do that this year. We board the bus and ride the little more than thirty minutes to the falls - a scenic and delightful ride as everyone on board would agree. We pull into the parking lot and our driver, Jodi, dramatically pauses the bus on the turn in the parking lot so we get the full view of the falls and there is an audible, collective "wow" from the guests on board. We all file off, we walk under the railroad bridge and we immediately see a collect of park rangers who are standing on the other side of some cones and tape cordoning off the area with signs that say "CLOSED." You can see on the hillside to the left of the falls, as you look at them, the damage from the fires (you could even still smell the smoke in the air), and you can hear the workers cutting down the gigantic trees. So I head along the tape to what most certainly must the the pathway to the splash pool and the path to the bridge only to see a flat, rock wall. Wait.....where's the entrance to get to the falls. I turn around and see our American Cruise Line director talking to the park ranger and the look of chagrin on her face answers the question before I can even approach and ask her. Yes, the falls are close today. So we have an hour to stand outside the gift shop. Sooooo, like last year we have an outing where we don't get to see anything, well, we can at least see the falls today from a distance we must admit. And at least it was only a thirty minute ride, not ninety. Karrie, Peggy, and I all agree that it must be due to the bad karma of Kim's shirt today which has emblazoned across it, "NOPE" - ha, ha, ha. And ironically when Kim enters the gift shop the first thing she sees (and buys) is a hat that says across the top, "W.T.F. - Where are the Falls?" - how appropriate for today's adventure! Pics from what we did see:
Thumbs down - especially considering the falls WILL be open tomorrow (WOW)
Meanwhile, Randy and Ed went to a car show which WAS open :)
Today at lunch we discovered our most favorite waitress, J.C. was celebrating her 20th birthday. We'd enjoyed her smile and service for the first two days and when we went into dinner yesterday we were disappointed that six chairs had napkins on them already at J.C.'s table, so we had someone new. When the staff brought out a surprise birthday cake for the twins J.C. came over to wish them happy birthday and we said we wanted to sit at her table but the seats were reserved already. She smiled and said, that SHE had done that to because she wanted US at her table. We felt bad. So when we found it today was her birthday the twins thought it would be a good idea to get her something. They let me give her the flowers and a Starbucks gift card - she was so overwhelmed, and was about brought to tears :) A sweet thought by our wives for sure.